- ForestGEN (FORest EST and GENome database) provides EST
(Expressed Sequenced Tag) and genome information on creatures living
in forests, including trees, microbes such as fungi and nematodes,
insects and mushrooms.
This database contributes to advances in forest sciences in areas
such as Genomics, Population genetics, Plant pathology, Tree
breeding and Ecology.
These advances will help to develop forest management practices and
strategies to maximize forest utility.
Moreover, this database will contribute to the discovery of new,
useful genes from the unknown treasure house of gene resources that
is the forest ecosystem.
- Partner and Funding
- ForestGEN is the result of a collaboration between two
Departments of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
(FFPRI); Dept. of Forest Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology and
Dept. of Mushroom Science and Forest Microbiology.
Regarding funding, please see the information for each species.
- Disclaimer
- By accessing ForestGEN, you agree to the following:
- ForestGEN is a non-profit service to the scientific community.
- All users must include the reference below in publications
describing the use of ForestGEN.
-The data within ForestGEN are for research purposes only, not for
clinical or commercial use.
-The data within ForestGEN are provided in good faith, but no
guarantee, express or implied,
can be made as to their accuracy.
We do not assume any legal liability or responsibility for any
purpose for which the data are used.